Friday, March 26, 2010

Bruce Schneier Post Template

A funny take on the format of some posts from Bruce Schneier

Catchy one-liner ("interesting," with link):

In this part of the blog post, Bruce quotes something from the article he links to in the catchy phrase. It might be the abstract to an academic article, or the key points in a subject he's trying to get across. To get the post looking right, you have to include at least a decent sized paragraph from the quoted source or otherwise it just looks like crap. So I will continue typing another sentence or two, until I have enough text to make this look like a legitimately quoted paragraph. See, now that wasn't so hard after all.

He might offer a short comment about the article here.

Finally, he will let you know that he wrote about the exact same subject link to previous Schneier article on the exact same topic and link to another previous Schneier article on the exact same topic.

I tried it myself about a month ago:


Last week I heard Sun Microsystems Cloud CTO Lew Tucker predict that IT expenses would increasingly track to the cost of electricity. “Lew’s Law” (as described to a room of thought leaders) is a brilliant theorem that weaves a microcosm of IT trends and recent reports into a single and powerful concept.

Lew’s Law is a powerful idea whose time has come, with profound and far reaching impacts, including the automation of the network.

Full story here from Gregory Ness with some additional remarks here.

It was very liberating.

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